Saturday, April 07, 2012


Well my drum sounds are pretty damn good considering I'm recording in a basement. I'm really happy with the sound of some of the tracks after having a chance to bounce them over to Pro Tools and play with some EQs and compression.

I have, as of 9:05 Saturday morning, recorded the following drum tracks:
The New Deal
Miss Moneypenny
Already Spent
One Hit Wonder
Would I Ever Have To Lie
Why You Care
Put Me Up

I will be re-tracking one or two of those today, and hopefully adding a couple of new ones. I have about another 5 days in CNY before my vacation is over, and I'd really like to make the best of it. I still have left to track:
Saturday Survivor
Magazine Girl
Katy's So Cool
St. Christopher
Bring Me Down
She's A Little Bit Off

And maybe a few others. That I'd like to try and knock out at least two more for this current round of recording. We'll see what happens. Either way, the new WSB album, as well as a few solo recordings, are well under way.

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