Last night I opened up my email, and sitting there in my inbox were 5 mp3 files. These are the rough mixes from our recording session. Stress on rough. There's been virtually no work done on them since we were in the studio.
I gave them a thorough listen-through, and I must say, I am very happy with the quality of the songs. They could easily be released as-is if we were just doing a demo tape. But now we begin the process of post-production.
Richard will spend a couple hours per song mixing the levels, adding some effects, some EQing, some editing and will really polish the tracks up so they sound professional. Then Brandon and I will pop into the studio, give him our thoughts on the first pass, and then he will begin the next round based on our notes.
Once this is finished, we move to the mastering phase, which is basically to get the songs ready to be "pressed" (as much as a CD can be pressed).
In the meantime, I am working on the hand-produced album artwork, Brandon and I are both working on the legal mumbo jumbo (copyrights, publishing, etc), and we are in the midst of designing a professional website.
Once the mastering of the disc is done, we send it and the artwork off for duplication and packaging.
One step closer to actually releasing this bad boy!
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